nnenna ndukwe

developer advocate, software engineer, systems thinker

about me

Hacking life in Boston as a Developer Advocate, committed to learning in public.

I write code, build community, create content, develop strategies, and execute on them.

I'm enthusiastic and optimistic about AI and DevOps. I've worked as a software engineer in medtech, fintech, and mediatech. Studied Computer Science at Boston University and a Resilient Coders alum.

I'm a proud member of Women Defining AI, Tech Ladies, Developer Marketing Alliance, CNCF, Open Source Security Foundation, Cyber Women of Boston, and more. 2019 Google Women Techmakers Scholar, National Society of Black Engineers award winner, and an international speaker.

8 years ago, I began to teach teaching myself how to code while working as a tanning consultant. Now, I give back to the tech community through content creation, mentorship, and philanthropy.

You can find me on most social platforms as @nnennahacks.

more details coming soon...